Tiny Seed Kinder Studio 小種籽成長坊
小五、小六升中呈分試數學精讀班 + 模擬試訓練班
• 以專科形式教授數理知識,每堂附設詳盡筆記
• 針對各學校的考試模式,擬定考試常出題目類型
• 重點訓練學生解題及取分技巧,分析一般考生常犯錯誤,對症下藥
• 教授有關的數學專有名詞,中英對照,為學生升中作好準備
• 於呈分試前會舉辦模擬試,以評估學生能力及教授應試技巧
• 定期為學生評估,緊貼學生的學習進度以便作出相應的輔助
P.5-P.6 學生
逢星期一至五上課,每堂1 小時
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Time |
10:00 To 19:00 |
Connect with Us
Fax: 2372 9098
Special offers:
5% discount (Abacus Maths, Private Class and Maths are exclusive)
Those who recommend the others to join our courses and who are successfully enrolled after recommendations will be offered 10% discount on first time payment
(All Maths courses and private classes are exclusive)
* We are pleased to provide courses to community centres and schools. The ways of cooperation will be further discussed.
* Parents can form learning groups (a group of 3 is preferable). By this, they can choose the dates and time-slots for the courses interested.
* The list price for group class, we also have provide private classes.