Tiny Seed Kinder Studio 小種籽成長坊
Target: Divided into the following four levels, 4-6 Kids (1 hour for on weeks )
12-24 months
24-36 months
36-48 months
48-60 months
Through innovative music, singing, listening, sound games, enhance the senses of young children, use toys to make children understand high and low sounds, increase their sense of rhythm, hearing and expression.
Build Brain Power Through Play
At our centre, we go more by "development" that actual age. These defined ages are meant to be a flexible guideline. If you child's development does not fit the age brackets, they are invited to attend a class that is more appropriate for them by their development. For example, if your 13 month old is walking, they are invited to attend a younger toddler class with other walkers. Our goal is to not have babies on their backs in the same class with crawlers (for liability purposes), and crawlers with walkers. Remember, our age appropriations are informal, and we adhere more to "development". With that being said, we support babies attending classes with children slightly older, as they will learn more from each other than they ever will from any of us!!
Connect with Us
Fax: 2372 9098
Special offers:
5% discount (Abacus Maths, Private Class and Maths are exclusive)
Those who recommend the others to join our courses and who are successfully enrolled after recommendations will be offered 10% discount on first time payment
(All Maths courses and private classes are exclusive)
* We are pleased to provide courses to community centres and schools. The ways of cooperation will be further discussed.
* Parents can form learning groups (a group of 3 is preferable). By this, they can choose the dates and time-slots for the courses interested.
* The list price for group class, we also have provide private classes.